Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Protesting Barry Bonds...Moon the Moment

Bonds is one home run shy from trying the all-time home run record and two away from setting his own home run record. Its interesting to watch ESPN alternate between disdain and hero worship for Barry.The same fans that creatively taunt, belittle, and harASS Barry Bonds often fail to show proper support for their home teams. On one hand I want to watch the breaking of such an historic record BUTT it feels some what hypocritical to give the moment any more attention than it deserves. BUTT I think I have a solution. I've decided on a compromise.

Moon the moment.

Thats right folks, drop your pants and moon the TV the second after the cursed ball clears the fences. You can, at the same time, actively watch and protest the breaking of such a hollowed record by such a horrific fake. You will suffer through countless replays of the event so don't worry about missing out on the few precious moments that follow Bonds' setting a new record, you will have a better tale to tell. I mooned Barry Bonds. What a perfect metaphor that not only reflects the manner through which the steroids entered his body, but also conveys your feelings on his sullying baseball in general. If your worried about what people will think of you if you do such a thing, rather worry about what they will think about you if you don't.

Just moon it.
-Scott Cheeks McBryde

1 comment:

Matt McBryde said...

Glad to see that you are BACK on your blog! Keep writing, Cheeks!
